Freelancing is Not for Everyone

Freelancing is Not for Everyone

Freelancing is Not for Everyone If You're a Quitter

There are lots of reasons why freelancing is not for everyone, just like the other jobs too.

If you are so motivated and dedicated, without a doubt, this will be the best job for you! I mean it.

Indeed, if you are a quitter, you will not succeed in freelancing.

I’ll tell you this, if you can’t motivate yourself, assuredly, you’re just wasting your time. You can’t reap if you don’t know how to sow.

First, I don’t recommend freelancing or home base job to my unmarried friends or what they called “Single”?

Previously I am an employee in a BPO company for almost 12 years before I turned into a freelancer.

I have lots of friends, and also most of them are Millenial Baby, which means most of them are still unmarried until now (as of this writing 🙂 ).

Probably, they will unfriend me on Facebook once they have learned this blog. I’m just kidding.

I’m a very jolly person and bully sometimes, but I do care for them. Oh sweet!

Yeah, really!

Whenever we have a chance of talking inside the production, I always tell them that my dream is to become a work at home Dad.

I Finally Quit My BPO Career


First, I resigned because I’m too tired commuting plus the impact of traffic in our lives.

By the way, I live in  Cavite, and it took me 3 hours of traveling back and forth.

That’s my minimum travel time. I know, I know, some of you took more than 3 hrs travel time to get on your work. Indeed, I admire that kind of person.

Traffic gives me lots of stress, and I become unproductive. Also, there are times that my children are sick, and I can’t help but leave them to my mother since we’re both working with the same company.

Luckily, my manager and teammates are kind, that is why sometimes I miss them.

Finally, I managed to resign and shifts from a traditional job to a virtual job.

But before that, I took online courses to prepare myself ahead, little by little.

My first online course is Internet Business Masterclass or IBMC of Negosyo University which is 25,000 pesos last November 2017. They teach us how to automate our businesses.

The community gave me a chance to meet great people, coaches, new friends, and even my instructor in college.

And then, I enrolled my wife in Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant Masterclass last November 2018, which is 14,000 pesos that time.

I applied all the learning on both masterclasses, and then I landed my first online job, which is an Amazon Product Researcher.

I got 2 US-based clients at the same time that pay me $3 per hour since I don’t have experience at that time and continue learning from them.

Success is Not in Your Comfort Zone

But before you jump out of your comfort zone please read this The 7 Essential Things You Need in Freelancing Business. It will help you decide what are the things you needed to pursue your dream job.

Alright, let’s continue my story…

A new opportunity came, a good friend of mine needs a Real Estate Sales Assistant for their company. Thank God, they hire me.

Boom! I became a freelancer and currently, I’m a Real Estate Sales Assistant who work for an owner of a Real Estate Company in America.

That is the start of my journey, from time to time, I enrolled in different masterclass and online courses just to enhance my online skills. (it’s very addicting)

Working at home is very lucrative, comfortable, and relaxing. Most of the time, you will not want to go out of the house to mingle with neighbors.

So calm.

Even buying groceries in a supermarket is very tiresome haha… That’s the reason why I don’t recommend freelancing to an unmarried friend or all Single.

Yeah, I mean it.

You’ll become lazy. Seldom you go to the mall.

The worst scenario is you will feel that you don’t want to meet new people.

Most of the time you will love the movie marathon, or just watching  Koreanovela the whole day with both feet on the table.

And whenever you go to the mall, once you go back, you had plenty of unplanned things because you now have the capabilities of buying things that you don’t need.

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Freelancing

Working at home is very lucrative, comfortable, and relaxing. Most of the time, you will not want to go out of the house to mingle with neighbors.

So calm.

Even buying groceries in a supermarket is very tiresome haha… That’s the reason why I don’t recommend freelancing to an unmarried friend or all Single.

Yeah, I mean it.

You’ll become lazy. Seldom you go to the mall.

The worst scenario is you will feel that you don’t want to meet new people.

Most of the time you will love the movie marathon, or just watching  Koreanovela the whole day with both feet on the table.

And whenever you go to the mall, once you go back, you had plenty of unplanned things because you now have the capabilities of buying things that you don’t need.

That’s the disadvantage if you don’t know how to limit yourself. It’s very tempting and addicting.

I remember Chariz, my coordinator in Amazon she told me that most of the time after she got back from a mall, she bought new aircon, sala set and other things due to impulse buying.

Yeah, you will tell me. “You don’t know me.” Here’s what I will tell you. “Just try. You will love it!”

Working at home can give you freedom, and contentment, especially if you already have your own family.

PLUS, the perks that you can bring your job in any part of the world (just
your laptop and internet) while traveling, on a beach or resort.

That’s why told them to married first and approach me afterwards.

I will teach them how to become a freelancer and landed an online job.


I know that we both have a different perspective on life. Once you get married and have your own family, your perspective will be changed. I mean it.

You will always want to be with your wife and children.

Having a good coach on your side will give you the advantage of landing a good life.

Having a good wife will give you a happy life and success… that is why you choose WISELY.

Having children will give you goals and determination.

Putting God at the center of them all will give you directions and strengthen your faith.

To all my single friends… here’s my advise.


Just kidding… you can be a good freelancer someday.

I am hoping to have work with you again.

See you on the other side.

Alfie Raposon


If you want to know what we are doing in IBMC download this 23 PAGE SPECIAL REPORT.


About the Author

Alfie is an online Coach and a Real Estate Virtual Assistant today. Previously he is a team leader in a BPO company, and Amazon Seller Virtual Assistant. Also, he enjoys creating e-book, digital products, logo, graphics design, web design, affiliate marketing, and online coaching.

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